How to Correctly Use GitHub for Software Development

TheGitHubEnterpriseServerpricingstartat$21perseatpermonth.Butitexistsavarietyofadd-onsyoumightbeinterestedinthatwill ...,DiscoverGitHubEnterprisepricingoptionstailoredtoyourorganization.FlexibleGitHubEnterpriseplans:pay-as-you-go,noupfrontcosts.E...。參考影片的文章的如下:


A Comprehensive Guide to GitHub Enterprise Server Pricing

The GitHub Enterprise Server pricing start at $21 per seat per month. But it exists a variety of add-ons you might be interested in that will ...

GitHub Enterprise - Pricing

Discover GitHub Enterprise pricing options tailored to your organization. Flexible GitHub Enterprise plans: pay-as-you-go, no upfront costs. Explore today!

GitHub Enterprise - 定價

探索為貴組織量身訂做的GitHub Enterprise 定價選項。彈性GitHub Enterprise 方案:隨用隨付,無前期費用。立即探索!

GitHub's plans

GitHub offers free and paid plans for storing and collaborating on code. Some plans are available only to personal accounts, while other plans are available ... GitHub Codespaces · About GitHub for enterprises · Types of GitHub accounts

GitHub's plans

GitHub offers free and paid plans for storing and collaborating on code. Some plans are available only to personal accounts, while other plans are available ...

About per-user pricing

The foundation of your bill is the number of user accounts using your organization or enterprise. GitHub uses a unique-user licensing model.

About billing for GitHub Copilot

Subscriptions to GitHub Copilot Pro are available on a monthly or yearly cycle, for either $10 USD per calendar month or $100 USD per year.

Pricing Calculator

The pricing calculator will help you get cost estimates to create, run, and store codespaces for a specific project within your GitHub organization.

Pricing · Plans for every developer

Pay only for what you use with compute fees starting at $0.18/hr and storage fees at $0.07/GB per month.

GitHub Pricing 2025: Is GitHub Worth It?

評分 8.9/10 (1,099) GitHub has 2 pricing edition(s), from $40 to $210. A free trial of GitHub is also available. Look at different pricing editions below.


TheGitHubEnterpriseServerpricingstartat$21perseatpermonth.Butitexistsavarietyofadd-onsyoumightbeinterestedinthatwill ...,DiscoverGitHubEnterprisepricingoptionstailoredtoyourorganization.FlexibleGitHubEnterpriseplans:pay-as-you-go,noupfrontcosts.Exploretoday!,探索為貴組織量身訂做的GitHubEnterprise定價選項。彈性GitHubEnterprise方案:隨用隨付,無前期費用。立即探索!,GitHuboffersfreeandpaidplansfo...